• slidebg1
    Proudly serving our Community
    for over 15 years with more
    than 45 years of experience.
  • slidebg2
    At our core is a
    dedication to meetand
    exceed expectations
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    Equipped with the tools
    and knowledge to
    satisfy every request.
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    A proven reputation
    for excellent work
    and responsive service.

about us and our priorities

Since January 2006, Henriksen Contracting, LLC has taken great pride in our workmanship and is dedicated to meeting and exceeding our customer's needs.Henriksen Contracting takes pride in the work we perform. We have the tools and knowledge to satisfy our customers needs with the following services:

Joint Sealing


Flat-Slab Sawing


Wall Sawing


Core Drilling


Curb Grinding/Sawing


Pavement Tear-out


Who we are

From saw cutting to joint sealing to core drilling Henriksen Contracting has a proven reputation for excellent work and responsive service. With more than 35 years of experience, we're your go-to-guys with the right equipment, people and commitment to being there when you need us. Please view the following projects that showcase our commitment to excellence:

  • Joe Henkels

    Baker Electric

    "Henriksen Contracting has always been an essential business partner for Baker Electric. They continually provide us with professional and highly trained personnel to work on our projects."

  • Jason R. Owen

    Superintendent, Nelson Construction & Development

    "It has been my pleasure to work with Henriksen Contracting and have them on our team as an integral, major player in the success of our projects."

  • Don Taylor

    Project Manager, McAnnich Corporation

    "Charlie and his staff walk the extra mile to ensure the success of our projects. We know we can count on Henriksen Contracting when the going gets tough."